Monday, March 07, 2005

Forrest Gump

Best sequences in this movie include:
i. Forrest reaches Jenny's apartment and is happy to see her and her son and says,
forrest:'so you are a mom'
jenny: 'yes, his name is forrest and i named after his father'
forrest couldnt understand that jenny is referring to him
jenny: 'you are his father'
forrest bewildered and finally sits alongwith his son to watch a children's programme.
ii. forrest asking jenny 'will you marry me' and jenny kind of rejects it politely. and now forrest tells jenny that 'yes, maybe i am not smart ...' and goes outside his alabama house and looks hurt
iii. forrest asking jenny to go to 'Alabama' instead of boarding the bus to Berkeley with the student union leader who earlier slapped jenny.
iv. forrest telling to the old lady in the bench, 'so i went to the white house again. to see the president of united states of america ..'

and more...

This movie is a class-act. The first time I saw this movie, I didnt understand much. Then, my knowledge of American History or Music was really bad. and the worst part is I could not even guess that Forrest was a special-child - I guess, then I just didnt concentrate much while watching this movie. When I said 'I didnt like this movie' - my friend Kartik bounced on me! He just could not accept how one could not like 'forrest gump'. Later when I got the 2nd , 3rd ... nth chance to watch this movie... I really started enjoying this movie. This movie really will scare someone out of the theatre for someone who cant appreciate american history/music.
I think Robert Zemicks has made a simple plot a very complex one. He really excelled in the art of interwining Forrest and Jenny with American history/music.

A strange coincidence I noticed in this Robert Zemicks-Tom Hanks movie i.e Forrest Gump and Castaway was the 'scrap-book'. When Forrest visits Jenny's apartment, Jenny shows Forrest the scrap-book with Forrest's run-clippings and similarly when Tom Hanks visits Helen Hunt, Helen shows a scrapbook with the aircrash-news clippings.

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