Saturday, March 18, 2006

Movies by weekend

The Shining:

This movie is certainly not a Kubrick classic, but more like a Stephen King-one.
The movie had its share of usual pregnant silences which is quite a cliche in most horror movies. The best part of the movie was the trolley shots following the kid riding the tiny cycle.

Found a small technical defect in this movie. When the movie starts with Jack Nicholson driving his car into this hotel-resort in the middle of nowhere, one gets to see some amazing landscapes, forests and valleys, but sadly one also gets to see the shadow of the helicopter from which the aerial shot is taken. Surprisingly this appeared in a Kubrick movie, but I am told this shadow-defect can be seen only in the DVD and not in other prints.

Locks, Stocks and Smoking Barrels:

Guy Ritchie movies are simply awesome. The Brit way of speaking English makes good hearing. And the plot looked more like a Crazy Mohan-style, which made it really entertaining. The movie had a good mix of good-old revenge plot alongwith comedy-sequences.


Movie had dark-shades all-around, but in the end brought in the usual feel-good tempo. I think this feel-good factor might have helped this movie clinch the Oscar. The movie was brilliant in the way so many different characters were shown , their stories, kind of reminded me of the movie 'The Traffic' another spectacularly shot movie!


Anonymous said...


Those are three excellent movies that you got to watch over the weekend dude.

The Shining:
It really is interesting that you felt it was more a Stephen King movie than a Kubrick one. It had lots of Kubrick imprints in them. History has it that, so much was Stephen King upset with Kubrik's adaptation of the book that he produced a TV movie in the late 90's!

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels:
Now, that was Guy Ritchie at his best. Snatch was equally enticing albeit not as funny and slick as LSTSB. Snatch was the movie where I first started noticing a guy called Brad Pitt! And in LSTSB, the idea that Tom has for getting the money by advertising in a gay mag is priceless!

Brilliant movie. Multiple storyline, well linked and thankfully does not glorify violence but rather seems to detest it! After watching "V for Vendetta" yesterday, I was disappointed that the V movie glorifies violence as the solution!

sanchapanzo said...


I feel Kubrick movies generally have the human-touch, dont really think 'The Shining' had that element. Kubrick tries to motivate his hero to something brilliant/brave, soon the hero will realise the greatness is not with him and will settle for what he deserves. Of course, 'The Shining' has style.


Agreed, Madonna's husband is the best. Really liked the revenge part of Snatch and the revenge part of LSTSB. The good-old revenge like western movies was really classy!


Yet to see 'V for...'
But I think Crash's recovery from a dark-movie to a feel-good will get more people to the theatres, but I think they could have explored a better idea...

Accidental Fame Junkie said...

I am so behind. You guys have watched such great movies! I have to watch them too!

sanchapanzo said...


Happy movie watching!