Friday, June 05, 2009

The Book Conspiracy

For someone who watches the news/talk shows on television in the US of A, it will be no surprise to find that every guest to any talk show or every guest who walks into any news show, has a book published on some goddamn topic.
It gets terribly irritating and one wishes the host does not turn into a book publisher's pimp !
Even a person like Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert or Amy Goodman spend a minute or two talking about the book, show the photo of the book's cover and appreciate the author for writing the best seller.
I can't figure out why talk/news show hosts patronize their guests' books or the book publishers !


Bijesh said...

You see, guests appear on talk shows solely as a PR exercise - to further their movies, tours, albums, books. In fact from what I can understand, it's more often the guests' PR agents that approach a talk show for an appearance. Advertising is the main draw for the guests and the host can't but help the guest bandy their goods.

sanchapanzo said...

Guess, you have a point. But it is definitely absolute torture and it is such a surprise that even Jon Stewart 'the great' or Stephen Colbert 'the great' have to resort to this...