Saturday, September 30, 2006

Movies by weekend

Lagey Raho Munnabhai:

Surprisingly this movie was good.
One forgettable moment in this film is the "good morning mumbai .. " chant -
I know for one Radio Mirchi RJ was a motor-mouth and you wish sometimes RJs really stop talking and play music.


This movie was good, with its brilliant star-cast, except that this movie was a trifle bit too long.

The Corporation:

Strong documentary movie.
After seeing this documentary, one would really have doubts whether he should be working for any corporation.
Concepts dealt in this documentary are a bit impractical. For example, they talk about how Nike is exploiting third world countries as its manufacturing base. I think sometimes the cruel truth is that third-world countries hardly have anything left with them that they are willing to work in sweat-shops. It's an extremely complex topic and guess, unless the haves are willing to forego their wealth the rest hardly have any chance to grow. It is impossible for law/state to distribute wealth to have-nots without the approval of haves(who can take refuge in capitalistic democracy-fabric).

Wall Street:

Another Democrat movie.
Made up good viewing and it was fun to watch the cocky Michael Douglas.
The talk on Republican/Democrat between Martin Sheen with Daryl Hannah was an interesting one, when Martin Sheen enter's Charlie Sheen's apartment.

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