Tuesday, March 03, 2009


In one passing conversation, my mother asked me 
"are you doing okay, is the workload too high in your office ?"

I wondered if my mother was being sarcastic, but she wasn't.
She was asking me in a matter of fact tone.

If only, any of my office friends were next to me, they will be "rolling on the floor laughing". But thanks to their absence, I asked my mother politely, "what makes you think my workload is too high ?"

My mother replied, "your gtalk status message always tell the same".

And I was a dead man before her, I was speechless.
I had to tell her and I did, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... 
"That status message is just to avoid making a polite conversation with strangers and you are no stranger to me, so ignore that message and ping me whenever you feel like"

I wish I added one more line to that,
"And I am on bench, which means at the moment I am getting paid for doing nothing.. "

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