Thursday, December 02, 2010

Gandhijiya suttuttangalam

Was listening to 'Vinnaythaandi varuvaaya' songs recently .. probably after nearly 10 months after the movie's release ... and thought 'mannippaya' song was quite brilliant..
and left a few offline messages to folks who i thought should appreciate the song .. the way i did...
and .. one person replied... the song wasn't all that spectacular .. cause the flute reminded me of the titanic .. my heart will go on.. music..
i was shocked by that rather strange observation...
the reason why i liked that song.. was probably some decent lyrics.. and of course rahman's crooning .. as if begging to his partner to just fall for him (singing.. melum melum .. urugi urugi... ) ... rahman still has some class left in him.. of course.. comes out not all that often..
as for this observation.. since then everytime i listen to the same song.. i am shocked to find out that.. even i am keen to observe that bloody godforsaken flute a la titanic style.. and then. .. the rather boring shreya goshal song .. trying to be too polite and too plastic... grrr...

the innocence in the song lasts maybe for the first few hearings of the song... and soon .. the magic of the song is lost ... when you start questioning the components of the song.. and it's originality ... soon.. you think the song is a bit of a hype... what the hell..

1 comment:

Art Vandelay said...

Santhooosh! Is the "rather boring Shreya Goshal song" the one I asked you to listen to? Really? Too polite and plastic? Damn... I know it's not strikingly original or anything, but I am quite tired of strikingly original.

And didn't mean to spoil Mannippaya.... Didn't mean to at all...